5 Ways The Online Trainer Academy Changed My Professional Perspective


Early mornings.

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Late nights.

16-hour days.

Lots of coffee.

No social life.

High stress.

Endless frustration.



This cycle is all too common for personal trainers. A profession where so many of us started with a primary goal to HELP OTHERS… and now we’re struggling to help ourselves. The worst part ends up being that feeling of necessity to drive yourself into the dirt because corporate gym models view you as expendable and disposable. There are hundreds of new “coaches” walking through the door every day with their resumes, ready to work like crazy on the proverbial hamster wheel and they will take your place in a heartbeat. It’s frustrating I know.


One year ago, I was on the cusp of going crazy. I was running myself into the ground. I could NOT see the light at the end of the tunnel. I love coaching clients and I’m consistent in the realm of results which, (as many of you know), is the primary driver of future business in our industry. At 22 years old with just shy of 8 000 (yes, THOUSAND) sessions under my belt, I was on top of the world.  A number of 50 to 100-lb., individual weight loss successes were bringing in hot leads. Needless to say, I was feeling fantastic.


I quickly realized I was running out of the two things I needed most – time and energy. I was developing more leads, but what was I going to do with them?  Was I to work 18 sessions a day? I was already pushing 16 sessions on Mondays and that was overwhelming. My quality of service was beginning to suffer which was not fair to my clients. This was NOT a sustainable lifestyle for me and I’m positive that if you’re reading this, you’ve found yourself in a similar trap or you’ve realized early on that you must be proactive.


Around this time in my life is when I came across Jon Goodman’s Online Trainer Academy (CLICK HERE)


The very first time I saw his ad, I laughed – seriously, I laughed! There is so much posted / published that is misleading and downright deceptive in our industry. It’s incredible. Upon first glance, that’s exactly what I thought Jon Goodman’s course was going to be. It had nothing to do with Jon. It had everything to do with the ‘snake-oil-style’ fitness business course advertisements that plague the Facebook timelines of so many professionals in this industry. We’ve all had a few of them show up, I’m sure. For some reason that day, I was curious about what Jon had to say. My gut said to give him the benefit of the doubt and by providing him with my email, I signed up for ‘THE 16 LASTING LAWS OF ONLINE TRAINING’.


From there I began to peruse the FAQ Section of the OTA Website. What immediately grabbed my attention were the testimonials provided by other coaches that I have come to respect in the industry. These were coaches who have stellar reputations. They would not allow their name to share a web page with a charlatan which could only mean one thing: Jon Goodman must be THE REAL DEAL. I continued to read the consistent appreciation for and belief in Jon’s work from coaches who used to be in the same position in which I was currently. SOLD… I signed up that day and I haven’t looked back since.


The Online Trainer Academy changed my perspective on many things. I would like to highlight the following five points that changed my career path most profoundly –




As a coach, it’s very easy to get caught up in the ‘perfection’ that is circulating online. High quality video production physiques that seem too good to be true (lighting and Photoshop can be amazing tools), and an overwhelming amount of “CHATTER” are prevalent in the crowded community of the online fitness world. The task of developing a brand seems daunting. It isn’t if you KEEP IT SIMPLE. Accomplish this in such ways as -

·         using your cell phone to take your exercise videos

·         sharing useful tips regularly on your Facebook Profile

·         writing a weekly blog

·         providing guidance to those who have questions or concerns about their health and fitness profile.

These are just a few of many ways that will amaze you as to how quickly simplicity may be attained so easily.




I came across this tip for the first time in the OTA course and it really made an impact on my mindset. I had to give my head a shake. My clients were ON FIRE when it came to their results. The problem was that nobody knew about it. The solution may lie within the four points I make below -

·         Share transformation photos on your social media pages.

·         Have your clients share the photos on their social media pages.

·         Showcase clients’ milestones in your newsletters.

·         Collect testimonials (WRITTEN & VIDEO).

You don’t have to call everyone you know and tell them you’re good at what you do – you simply need to SHOW THEM. Results rule.




Before taking the OTA, I was frustrated with what my future appeared to be. I love working 16-hour days. Even having graduated from the OTA, 16-hour days are still the norm. The good news is that now it’s a choice not a necessity! I came to the realization that there are so many more ways to spend my time as a coach:

·         Hybrid Online Coaching - clients may see you on a regular basis for check-ups or sessions but a portion of their training is completed online. Quite often I will see a client 1 X per week and he/she will purchase a Hybrid Coaching Package where I design the remainder of their workouts for the week.

·         100% Online Coaching - clients who you do not see in person. All coaching services and accountability takes place online.

·         Online Group Classes - working with private accountability groups online to create motivation, support, information sharing and community.




As a coach, I imagine that you love helping people. If you had the opportunity to positively impact 4, 40 or 400 lives, I would bet my bottom dollar which one you would choose. Almost every, single coach out there wants to help people and the more people whose lives you can enhance with quality service and consistency, the better. Bringing a portion of your services online allows for this. Not only can you reach people who otherwise may not have been able to work with you (due to factors such as scheduling and access to your facility), but you can also reach an entirely new demographic of individuals.  These will most likely be people who may not have the disposable income to buy hours of your precious time but they can certainly afford the cost of your knowledge and expertise relative to online coaching services. You also have an unlimited market now when it comes to proximity to YOU! The internet knows few borders. Jon outlines this here.




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How many times have you seen those “coaches” who post selfies of their sick abs or get the perfect angle to show off their glutes? The next thing you know, they’re selling meal plans, workouts, supplements and everything else they could possibly market to their audience. The online fitness community is largely unregulated and as frustrating as that may be, it’s also providing you with a wonderful opportunity - an opportunity to invest into your profession and separate yourself from the crowd. This will allow you to show your future clients that not only do you value your own career but you truly value their future.  You value it simply by taking the time to improve the efficiency and effective delivery of your coaching expertise while ensuring that you are able to maintain a high quality of service and professionalism.


Yes, as I stated, the first time I saw Jon’s ad, I laughed.


It turns out that Jon Goodman is the REAL DEAL!


I can’t emphasize enough how the Online Trainer Academy has totally changed my life.

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION - SAVE $400 on the ONLINE TRAINER ACADEMY. This will be the most progressive business decision you make. In Jon's words, "Have more freedom. Make more money. Help more people."



Committed to your success,


Ben Graham, PTS, Pn1

Fitness & Lifestyle Coach

Ben Graham